Afghanistan Executive Summary

Despite the absence of specific national legislation dedicated to the protection of refugees and returnees, Afghanistan has demonstrated a commitment to international norms by ratifying significant global conventions, including the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol. The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) is the principal authority overseeing legal and policy matters related to refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and returnees. The return and reintegration process is conducted in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and involves targeted financial and social assistance programs for registered returnees from neighboring countries, particularly Iran and Pakistan. These programs include emergency financial aid, health screenings, legal assistance, and other critical social services, with specific eligibility criteria applied to ensure the aid reaches the most vulnerable populations. The MoRR also registers returnees on the borders. The government provides proof of registration for returnees from Iran and Pakistan and stipulates assistance to those who are considered the most vulnerable and eligible to receive government support.
The government of Afghanistan acknowledges the multifaceted nature of challenges faced by returnees, recognizing that a comprehensive protection strategy is essential. Despite the formulation of policies, the establishment of line ministries, and the delineation of responsibilities among various stakeholders at both national and provincial levels, the effectiveness of refugee, returnee, and reintegration policies has been significantly impeded by administrative deficiencies and operational challenges, such as the lack of a highly skilled workforce. The lack of access to livelihood opportunities and the absence of psycho-social support programs compound these challenges, leaving many returnees vulnerable and without the necessary resources to rebuild their lives.
Author: Hidayet Sıddıkoglu